
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
AT Banter Podcast Episode 347 - Mario Bonds
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Back to our regular programming this week as Rob, Ryan, Lis, and Steve welcome singer/songwriter, author, motivational speaker, and reality show star Mario Bonds to the show to discuss everything from his journey through vision loss at age 9, through to his love of assistive technology, music, and how he almost got beat up on the set of the reality show, The Glee Project. It’s an open and earnest conversation that you don’t want to miss – plus it’ll cleanse your palette of all of that MALK from last week’s "episode" ….
Show Transcript https://atbanter.files.wordpress.com/2023/08/at-banter-podcast-episode-347-mario-bonds.pdf
Show Notes
Mario’s Websitehttp://mabspeaks.com/Mario’s YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2G4p2D4xiEKioyWUHwxTrw
Mario’s Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/mariobonds/
“Chocolate” Official Videohttps://youtu.be/UgYolkvjWrs
AT Banter is brought to you by Canadian Assistive Technology, providing sales and training in Assistive Technology and Accessibility with over 30 years of knowledge and experience. Visit them online at www.canasstech.com or call toll-free 1-844-795-8324.
Need repairs on your device? Chaos Technical Services offers service and support on almost any piece of Assistive Technology, while also providing parts and batteries. Visit them online at www.chaostechnicalservices.com or call 778-847-6840.

Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
AT Banter Podcast Special Episode - The Episode About Nothing
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Ever wonder what happens at the AT Banter Podcast before the guest arrives or the show gets started? Ever wonder what topical and hard hitting subjects they may bring up and debate while they patiently wait for their guest to arrive? If this has been keeping you up at night, then this episode is what you’ve been waiting for, dear listener. Dubbed our “pre-podcast show” or the “podcast before the podcast”, the following 40 minutes of content was never intended to see the light of day, but Ryan is making us post this. Enjoy this special bonus episode that serves as a little behind the scenes look of the podcast, a loving tribute to Seinfeld’s “show about nothing”, and an infomercial about MALK, all wrapped up in one.
Show Notes
AT Banter is brought to you by Canadian Assistive Technology, providing sales and training in Assistive Technology and Accessibility with over 30 years of knowledge and experience. Visit them online at www.canasstech.com or call toll-free 1-844-795-8324.
Need repairs on your device? Chaos Technical Services offers service and support on almost any piece of Assistive Technology, while also providing parts and batteries. Visit them online at www.chaostechnicalservices.com or call 778-847-6840.

Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
AT Banter Podcast Episode 346 - Carrie Morales & Carrie On Accessibility
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
This week Ryan, Rob, and Lis are visited by YouTube content creator and podcaster Carrie Morales of Carrie On Accessibility! We discuss her channel and its content, how she developed such an interest in technology and accessibility at an early age, her creation process, what upcoming assistive technology devices she’s excited about, and much much more!
Show Transcript https://atbanter.files.wordpress.com/2023/08/at-banter-podcast-episode-346-carrie-morales-carrie-on-accessibility.pdf
Show Notes
Carrie On Accessibilityhttps://carrieonaccessibility.com/
Carrie’s YouTube Channelhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCraSGW8s4NMaFKrJ5YbjB4w
AT Banter is brought to you by Canadian Assistive Technology, providing sales and training in Assistive Technology and Accessibility with over 30 years of knowledge and experience. Visit them online at www.canasstech.com or call toll-free 1-844-795-8324.
Need repairs on your device? Chaos Technical Services offers service and support on almost any piece of Assistive Technology, while also providing parts and batteries. Visit them online at www.chaostechnicalservices.com or call 778-847-6840.

Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
AT Banter Podcast Episode 345 - The Good News Show?
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
It’s that time again dear listeners! With all the news coming out these days of the bad variety, we thought it was high time to take a break from our regularly scheduled programming and host another one of our famous (or infamous) Good News Shows! Not a whit of bad news in this episode, we cover everything from emancipated lab monkeys to sawfish mating scars and a whole bunch of other great news that you won’t want to miss. Helping us out this week is friend of the show Riane Lapaire! So turn off that cable news channel and come cozy up with us for an hour!
Show Transcript https://atbanter.files.wordpress.com/2023/08/at-banter-podcast-episode-345-the-good-news-show.pdf
Show Notes
Our Good News Stories:https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/woman-who-lost-eye-as-baby-wears-glitter-eyeballs-to-own-her-difference/
AT Banter is brought to you by Canadian Assistive Technology, providing sales and training in Assistive Technology and Accessibility with over 30 years of knowledge and experience. Visit them online at www.canasstech.com or call toll-free 1-844-795-8324.
Need repairs on your device? Chaos Technical Services offers service and support on almost any piece of Assistive Technology, while also providing parts and batteries. Visit them online at www.chaostechnicalservices.com or call 778-847-6840.

Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
AT Banter Podcast Episode 344 - Debra Erickson and the Blind Kitchen
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Set the table and get your Pepto Bismo ready, this week the gang in headed into the kitchen – The Blind Kitchen to be exact! Rob, Ryan and Steve sit down with Debra Erickson, executive chef and founder of The Blind Kitchen, an organization that brings adaptive tools, helpful strategies, and specialized knowledge to blind and vision-impaired people who want to cook safely, confidently, and independently. They talk about Debra’s own vision loss, what prompted her to make a career shift into the culinary arts, tips on how to make a kitchen accessible, and much more!
Show Transcript https://atbanter.files.wordpress.com/2023/07/at-banter-podcast-episode-344-debra-erickson-and-the-blind-kitchen.pdf
Show Notes
The Blind Kitchenhttps://theblindkitchen.com/
AT Banter is brought to you by Canadian Assistive Technology, providing sales and training in Assistive Technology and Accessibility with over 30 years of knowledge and experience. Visit them online at www.canasstech.com or call toll-free 1-844-795-8324.
Need repairs on your device? Chaos Technical Services offers service and support on almost any piece of Assistive Technology, while also providing parts and batteries. Visit them online at www.chaostechnicalservices.com or call 778-847-6840.

Thursday Jul 13, 2023
AT Banter Podcast Episode 343 - Mike Calvo & Matt Campbell
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
This week we go back to our Assistive Technology roots as Mike Calvo and Matt Campbell from Pneuma Solutions (formerly Serotek) stop by to give us an update on their new cloud based assistive technology products, and discuss everything from pricing to the importance of developing accessible software from the ground up.
Show Transcript https://atbanter.files.wordpress.com/2023/07/at-banter-podcast-episode-343-mike-calvo-matt-campbell.pdf
Show Notes
Pneuma Solutionshttps://pneumasolutions.com/
AT Banter is brought to you by Canadian Assistive Technology, providing sales and training in Assistive Technology and Accessibility with over 30 years of knowledge and experience. Visit them online at www.canasstech.com or call toll-free 1-844-795-8324.
Need repairs on your device? Chaos Technical Services offers service and support on almost any piece of Assistive Technology, while also providing parts and batteries. Visit them online at www.chaostechnicalservices.com or call 778-847-6840.

Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
AT Banter Podcast Episode 342 - Michiel Janssen & OKO
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
The gang is back together again just in time to welcome Michiel Janssen, founder of Ayes to the show to talk about their AI-driven app called OKO, a navigation solution for the blind and visually impaired that uses AI and a smartphone's back camera to recognize pedestrian signals and provides audio and haptic feedback to the user.
Show Transcript https://atbanter.files.wordpress.com/2023/07/podcast-episode-342-michiel-janssen-oko.pdf
Show Notes
Ayes Onlinehttps://www.ayes.ai/
AT Banter is brought to you by Canadian Assistive Technology, providing sales and training in Assistive Technology and Accessibility with over 30 years of knowledge and experience. Visit them online at www.canasstech.com or call toll-free 1-844-795-8324.
Need repairs on your device? Chaos Technical Services offers service and support on almost any piece of Assistive Technology, while also providing parts and batteries. Visit them online at www.chaostechnicalservices.com or call 778-847-6840.

Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
AT Banter Podcast Episode 341 - Triple Vision Returns
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Rob, Steve and Ryan sit down this week with Peter Field from the Triple Vision Podcast to get an update on their podcast which was created to recount the past, present, and future of blindness in Canada from a lived experience perspective.
Show Transcript https://atbanter.files.wordpress.com/2023/06/at-banter-podcast-episode-341-triple-vision-returns.pdf
Show Notes
Triple Vision Podcasthttps://triplevision.team/
AT Banter is brought to you by Canadian Assistive Technology, providing sales and training in Assistive Technology and Accessibility with over 30 years of knowledge and experience. Visit them online at www.canasstech.com or call toll-free 1-844-795-8324.
Need repairs on your device? Chaos Technical Services offers service and support on almost any piece of Assistive Technology, while also providing parts and batteries. Visit them online at www.chaostechnicalservices.com or call 778-847-6840.

Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
AT Banter Podcast Episode 340 - Brooke Ellison
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
It’s a huge show this week as Rob, Ryan, Steve and Lis are honored to welcome Associate Professor at Stony Brook University, two-time author, politician, disability advocate, and official honorary Canadian, Brooke Ellison to talk about her journey through disability, her new book, “Look Both Ways”, and so much more. It’s not often that a guest can leave Lis speechless with her accomplishments, so this is a show you most certainly don’t want to miss!
Show Transcript https://atbanter.files.wordpress.com/2023/06/at-banter-podcast-episode-340-brooke-ellison.pdf
Show Notes
Brooke Ellison Onlinehttps://www.brookeellison.com/
Miracles Happen on Amazonhttps://www.amazon.com/Miracles-Happen-Mother-Daughter-Journey/dp/0786867701
Look Both Ways on Amazonhttps://www.amazon.com/Look-Both-Ways-Brooke-Ellison/dp/1951568184
AT Banter is brought to you by Canadian Assistive Technology, providing sales and training in Assistive Technology and Accessibility with over 30 years of knowledge and experience. Visit them online at www.canasstech.com or call toll-free 1-844-795-8324.
Need repairs on your device? Chaos Technical Services offers service and support on almost any piece of Assistive Technology, while also providing parts and batteries. Visit them online at www.chaostechnicalservices.com or call 778-847-6840.

Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
AT Banter Podcast Episode 339 - Darla Biccum
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
This week Ryan and Rob welcome audio description writer Darla Biccum from Descriptive Video Works to the show to give us an inside look at the writing process and how effective and impactful descriptions are produced before discussing the future of Audio Description and whether AI may have a place in the process at some point (Spoilers … nope).
Show Transcript https://atbanter.files.wordpress.com/2023/06/at-banter-podcast-episode-339-darla-biccum.pdf
Show Notes
Descriptive Video Workshttps://descriptivevideoworks.com/
Darla's AD Writing Creditshttps://theadna.org/darla-biccum-writer/
AT Banter is brought to you by Canadian Assistive Technology, providing sales and training in Assistive Technology and Accessibility with over 30 years of knowledge and experience. Visit them online at www.canasstech.com or call toll-free 1-844-795-8324.
Need repairs on your device? Chaos Technical Services offers service and support on almost any piece of Assistive Technology, while also providing parts and batteries. Visit them online at www.chaostechnicalservices.com or call 778-847-6840.

AT Banter Podcast
The AT Banter podcast is a podcast where we talk with advocates and members of the Disability community to help educate and inspire better conversation about disability. Changing the world and perspectives on disability one episode at a time! Featuring Rob Mineault, Ryan Fleury, Steve Barclay and Lis Malone.